I love connecting with my clients about everything—and I mean everything. They know nothing is off limits with me! There are so many juicy, insightful, life-altering, serious, and hysterical conversations that go down in my appointments.a
About 7 years ago, one of my clients walked in and said, “What’s on the Laura List this month?” Ever since I’ve been sharing what I’m loving, reading, watching, listening to, eating (lots of recipes), how I’m working out, which beauty products I’m obsessing over, my go-to treatments at the moment, life hacks, and what moves and inspires me.
So that’s where the Laura List was born, and now I’m bringing the tradition online! Subscribe and stay tuned for the new lists of everything I’m loving. Thanks for being here and I hope you enjoy what fills my cup—cheers!
P.S. If there is something you’re loving too, please share and let’s keep the convo going!